wanna inform u, March 5 2006, i was falling in love at d first sight. He's so cute, adoreable, loveable. Let me introduce u with my brand new puppy!!!!! he's 4 months old and loves to sleep a lot. Aaarrgh mizz him badly ^^ can't wait to go home. wanna kiss him ehehe ........................... ........................... i forget what to say, hhh...i'm a lil bit sick today, i've been sick for about 3 days and i'm not getting better. perhaps this is b'coz of my holiday. well my mom took me with her for a week trip. It was a hell lot of fun but the last day....a hectic day. And..as a result, i'm flu, having a cough, fever...geez!! but it's worth it he3 ^^ now it is time to set my priorities in life. i'm kind of lost, so many things that have to be done in a short time. Toefl test, ccna test, scholarship hunting, job hunting...huuh headache!!