Thursday, July 03, 2008

wrong book

oiya oiya, mo crita, dulu kan sempet beli buku di kinokuniya, judged from the author and as suggested by many good reviews printed on the back cover, I thought it should be a terrific storyline like his other books were. Much to my disappointment, it turned out to be a real yawner. I was bored as hell when I read it and I didn't finish the book. My first record of not having finished reading a novel. The whole time I was reading that book I was like "Man, what are you trying to say? I don't get you. Is it me? Am I too dumb?" Yah kecewa sih, I mean he's one of my fave authors!! Love his books. Apparantly not the one I bought here. Yappari, Japan hahaha ga nyambung !#$"#&%

ps: Oh, the book is titled "Witch of Portobello" by Paulo Coelho.


eh lah kok??... piye toh?! why am I still assigned projects scheduled for September?? doh eigyou san gw.. looks like he hasn't dropped the bomb yet haha ya itu, pas kemaren lusa meeting, kaget aja, pas dikasi projects buat bulan ini, bulan besok ma bulan besoknya lagi. Hiks mana gw dikasi 3 solo projects pula, huhu I'm so sorry, such a dilemma. It never crossed my mind before, even the faintest idea that I would feel sorry like this. I mean, I've been counting day after day for Sep 3 to come, and finally when I'm getting near to it, I'm having this pretty much disturbing feeling.

Salah satu solo project yg diserahin ke gw, project yg pertama buat mrk. Blom ada org yg test tu application before. So it's kinda huge. Sebenernya gw uda dikasi projectnya berbulan2 yg lalu, pas march to be exact. Tp baru aja bikin test case-nya uda di-stop, soalnya ktnya mo direlease version baru jd drpd nge-test dua kali mending nunggu yg baru skalian. So it was stopped half way. Waktu itu, gw cuman jd supporting tester doank, jd cuman bantu2in senpai gw. Nah skrng, that halfway-stopped project itu diserahin ke gw. Seneng sih, soale itu kan like debut project buat mrk n it's a challenge too for me. Ga da sample test-nya gile, gw mesti bikin dr scratch. Berat sih tp drpd gw ngantuk hayo huahahha Tp sayang, project nya di-scheduled buat September hiks Buat bulan ini ma august, I've got my hands full hoorayy seneeng, jd ga sempet mikirin yg aneh2 bin ajaib.

Duh tp ya itu, klo gw masi dischedule-in buat sep, berarti mrk still have no clue whatsoever klo gw mau n harus cabut dr sono. Bener2 ga enak gw jadinya, yg paling gw takutin tuh klo nanti dipanggil trus ditanya2in hiks gimana doonk?? gw tuh paling ga bs di-confront kyk gitu. Klo isa milih sih maunya langsung cabut diem2, ga usa ngomong apa2 hahaha duh jd ya skrng gw tinggal pasrah nunggu dipanggil boss. Yg bikin gw kesel tuh si eigyou san napa ga kasitau mrk jauh2 hari coba. Kan at least mrk bs nyari org baru lg, trus ga usa repot2 bikin schedule buat gw hhh Tambah ga enak lagi ya itu td, mrk kyknya dah percaya ma gw, ampe dikasi banyak solo projects (including lead rapat2nya jg, I hate this part ngomong jpng aja masi belepotan lah ini disuru lead meetingnya *panic* ) I think I'll just have to face them when it comes.
If I think how am I gonna go through the upcoming months, it gives me chill literally. There's so much to give up and I don't think I'm ready yet. Kyk soal kerjaan. Takut aja, ntar klo mesti nunggu berbulan2 lg gmn? that and other things too. Ya tau sih tau klo those are for the better. tp iyaa klo better klo worse piye??? aaargh!!

Sounds simple for everyone else I guess, but yeah I'm different, I'm weird and I'm umm not proud of it *grunt* yaa coba klo gw bisa take it easy kyk org lain. Huaaa life would be soo much better.
uda nyoba sih tp ttp aja ga isa, ee bisa ding cuman dikit. Step by step kali yee Kadang suka iri ma org laen, contohnya klo soal kerjaan, segimana ga enaknya masi isa dibawa ketawa, trus ga dipikirin terus. lah gue, sekalinya ada masalah ja, mo mandi makan jalan2 tidur pun gue pikirin. hegh.. Eneg gua. I tend to overthink everything. Huh my nature. !#$%#!