Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Movie Weeks


For the last two weeks, we’ve been spending our weekends watching movies. Some of them are Inception and Despicable Me. Okay, I was a bit skeptical about Inception, coz I don’t really like watching movie that requires me to think! Come on, you’re supposed to be able to relax, sit tight, and enjoy the popcorn. That’s what a good movie is all about *at least for me*. Well, how wrong I was. I love the movie. I enjoyed it so much I could watch it again the second time! It left me with an uneasy feeling, the one I always get whenever I watch a good movie.

despicable medespicable me1

As for Despicable Me… to be honest, I really didn’t want to watch it, seriously, I didn’t. It was because bf seemed to be all enthusiastic to go and watch it. So I was like… “okay I’ll go, but just for the sake of watching it”. And again, I was wrong. Despicable Me was refreshing though not that good it deserves only 3.5 out of 5 popcorns from me :p

It begins a bit slow but things got more exciting when it reaches a part where the world’s greatest villain starts to build relationship with the three little girls. From there, I started to enjoy the movie. And the yellow minions, aren’t they adorable? The way they talk and laugh, lol, I couldn’t help but wondering whether they will have minion dolls available in store anytime soon haha. Would be happy to own one.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

After 12

Baru aja nonton acaranya Jamie Aditya, After 12. Jadi ini ceritanya Jamie pergi ke negara2 di Asia, trus ya cari tau tentang night life disitu, ke tempat2 yg masi buka after 12, nyobain local delicacies nya juga. Nah kali ini liputannya tentang a night life in Ho Chi Minh. Trus si Jamie comment:
"Now I know why Vietnamese adopt 'Joie de la vie' so much. It's because they almost die crossing the street everyday!! Do not ever try to cross the street in Ho Chi Min City!" 
And... that was it, the killer one-liner LOL :p Senengnya nonton acaranya Jamie Aditya ya ini, dijamin adaaa aja comment2 aneh bin ajaib yang keluar dr dia wakkakkaka. Sepanjang acara dia nge-joke terus, lumayan jd obat stress, what a good show!! Two thumbs up. Jadi kangen sama jaman2 aku dulu masi smp, nonton mtv asia ^^ hhh I love funny guy. Me a big fan of you, Jamie *star-struck mode on*

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sir, Where's Your Manner??

Hhh lunch hari ini bener2 bikin bt gara2 ojii san ga tau diri *hmmph*. Jadi ceritanya td lunch bareng colleague di Plaza Singapura, food court. Kita makan berdua di meja buat 4 orang gitu, disamping gue ada meja kosong buat 4 org jg, nah si kakek baru dateng duduk disono. Baru ketauan nyebelinnya pas anaknya (ato istrinya, whatever) dateng bawain makanan di tray. Eeeehhhhhh si kakek dengan seenaknya naruh tu tray di meja gue!!! Reaksi pertama gw: bengong. Trus first thought; ooh mungkin mejanya sempit kali, jd traynya ditaruh di meja gw. Abis mikir gt, langsung inget; lah bukannya meja dia jg meja buat 4 orang ya, kan berarti masi banyak tempat. Jadilah gw emosi donk, tp yaah ditahan2.

Si anaknya/istrinya pergi lagi buat mesen makanan buat dia sendiri, pas balik ya bawa tray lagi donk, si kakek dengan seenak jidatnya naruh itu freaking tray di meja gua lagi!!!! OMG, are you kidding me!! I mean I'm okay if someone put, like, a stack of trays on my table, but please ASK me first!! I'm even willing to help you put those trays back to the stall if you ask me. Gw agak sensi d klo ketemu orang yg ga ada manner sama skali kayak gitu. Tp emang sih disini gw liat semakin tua, mrk makin ga peduli orang lain. Beda ma di jpn. Disana pengalaman gw belom perna tuh ketemu orang2 tua yg ga tau diri. Yg ada malah semakin tua semakin sopannya minta ampun.

Hhh jadi tadi yah gitu d, makan juga jadi ga enak. Hmm harus berusaha jd lebih sabar lagi.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Libur donk!!!

I seriously need holiday!!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The Only Thing That I Can Do For You

Pour Mon Amie,

Sampe sekarang, tetep rasanya terharu and so thankful klo inget dulu, how you supported me, cheered me up during the lowest point of my life. Masi inget nabe party kita di Machida dulu, at winter time? hehe. Tiba2 lu and temen2 yg lain dateng ke kamarku and masak2 haha. You really had no idea how much I thanked you for that.

Out of all, a memory that I cherish most, a memory that always, always brings warmth to my heart is that moment, that small party in the evening. Even though I felt like dying, having all my best friends around me  back then comforted me. Meskipun apa yg gw alami dulu sama skali ga bisa dibandingin to what you are going through right now, I’d like to think the same way; that having your best friends with you during this difficult time of yours, to be there for you, can really help in some way or another.

So now, I want you to know, to believe that all your friends that love you are right beside you. And I soo believe in the power of prayer. So, even though I cannot arrange a nabe party for you when you come back *hehe*, at least I can send you a prayer from a far.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Mon Anniversaire

.: May 31, Monday :.

pour mon cher, merci ^^

~ a beautiful red roses bouquet ~

red roses <3

little danbo in the midst of roses


pour mes amis

~ Presents from my friends in Japan, thanks to Teddy who brought these to Sing ~

Presents from my friends


.: Little Danbo and the Talking Oji-San :.

lil danbo and talking oji san


.: My fave of all, sketch books :.

Sketch books and photo album 

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Church Camp@Bukit Tinggi, Malaysia

.: May 28 & 29, 2010 :.

Church camp @Bukit Tinggi, Malaysia

We stayed at a European-village-theme resort located at Bukit Tinggi.

    ~ Life Changer Team ~

life changer team

life changer teamlife changer team


~ Going back to Singapore ~

rockbukit tinggi

Sunday, July 04, 2010

1st Universal Studio Singapore Trip

.: May 8, 2010, Saturday :.

When mom and dad came here to have yet another eye checkup for pa, we went to check out the newest attraction spot, USS. Actually I didn't feel like going coz i felt that the $72 entrance fee was too much, it wasn't worth the bucks given the fact that only 3 out of 5 themes are working. That, and of course the size of it. I've been to Universal Studio Japan and USS looks like a mini-me version of USJ. Oh one more thing, no parade!! How come we have no parade??. A theme park *and we're talking about no ordinary theme park here, it's Universal Studio for crying out loud!!* without a single parade is just too disappointing.

Anyhow, we ended up buying the ticket *sigh* after finished wandering about the resort world Sentosa and we really got no idea where else to go. We entered the venue at around 12pm. It was super super hot, i felt like i had glue on all over my body *sweat*.

~ We made a trip to this store whenever we thought we couldn't handle
the heat *grin*, located just next to USS entrance point. An oasis indeed ~

herseyhersey's bears    hersey's


~ The famous globe ~

@USS with mom universal studio singapore  

IMG_0532 - Copy



We didn't try some of the major rides tho, coz, gosh… the long queue was certainly the mood killer.

At around 6 pm we had enough of USS, so after buying some stuffs for my
brother, we walked out exhausted and sticky!!

Just outside USS, there’s this popcorn store called Garrett Popcorn Shop. I was intrigued coz, according to the ads, is Oprah’s fave, so we’d like to give it a try *Hey, it’s recommended by Oprah =p* Hmm how was it? …Nah!! not nice if you ask me. Okay, I may not be a big fan of pop corn, but the caramel flavor was waayyy to sweet for my taste and the cheese one… I felt like I ate a sponge, didn’t crunchy at all.

Garrett Popcorn

Garrett Popcorn

Before we called it a day, a visit to Resort World was not complete without first stopping by Victoria’s Secret. Yeahh, I knowww… it’s opened in Singapore!! I got my body lotion I wanted so much after I tried it more than a year ago when Ellen bought one for me from US. Sweet.