Friday, July 27, 2007


It's already summer and talking 'bout summer festival in japan means no other than fireworks festival!! yatta~~ finally i'm about to see the 'real' fireworks, not some 'cupu' things back in indonesia *no thanks* ^^ so tomorrow me and the other fullcast members are going to Asakusa, well, the asakusa itself has an ancient kind of atmosphere, so actually it'll look amazing with all the fireworks' blaze....that's what i think though hehe we'll see tomorrow...

ow i've read the latest and final book of Harry Potter btw, it's kinda sad...FINAL BOOK means NO MORE HARRY POTTER!! i want moorreeee~~ *teehee* this is maybe a lil hint for those who haven't yet read the book, but i REALLY DO want to say this to my friend diana: "Heeeyy, fave professor really did his things right, fair and square, period ^^ i chose no wrong person as an idol hahaha and i do expect to be in slytherin"

Monday, July 16, 2007

i'm here in japan!!!

well it's a bit late though, i've been here since last month, may 30 to be exact. Being in japan when you are about to turn 23 years old is something. It was a great birthday present but somehow being apart from those you love in indonesia was unbearable. i REALLY missed my frendz, family. i managed to make some new frendz though haha

<--- yosshh Tokyo Tower!!! having seen it first sama ja kyk gw liat monas hahaha maybe it'll look better at night with all the lamps....maybe....

but you're not really in japan if you don't take a pic in tokyo tower u know khukhu *who made that rule?*

Monday, April 16, 2007

11 hours at mall...yeaah

man, that's what i call a perfect weekend hoho, well, it was tika's idea to watch midnite movie, and i suggested how about a day in mall? from 12 o'clock till midnite, and voila! an endless walking and shopping huehehe me and rosa bought a similar jacket *cute* and the body shop's "oceanus" perfume lured me into buying it ^^ well, in general it was fun, yeah hang out with your friends, could anything else be more fun than that??? BUT...somehow i felt guilty, i didn't even touch japanese text books that day. And home sick......geez it's getting worse day after day. I miss my family, wanna sleep on my own bed, in my own house, take a hot shower.......aargghhhh HOOOMMEEE

Friday, March 30, 2007

two tiring days, what a troublesome moment

All done! the pressure, the's all done, well actually, not the pressure though, it's still there ^^ how am i supposed to get rid of it? getting sick day after day. But somehow i feel that is the real pleasure, isn't it? ne, refering to the previous post, the harder the path, the more meaningful the goal would be, right? So, after taking the exam, i realized that i have sooo many things yet to be learned. And it taught me not to be full of myself but always seek knowledge more and more. If you were proud of yourself, it would be much much more painful the time when you fail.

Mr. Kawashita was right, the exam....sooo damn difficult!!! well at first i thought he said it a lot just to make us worry even more, but noooo...he was sooo right, either i didn't study hard enough or the questions were indeed too difficult to bear *weeeee another hiperbole* and the worst of all...he didn't announce the result!!! it's too much, but what else to say? he's the decision maker isn't he? and i believe it's for our own sake *well i'm still trying to believe that khukhu*

Okay, one more thing...and this is the most important of all!! i didn't have time before to post this before, but i met this person a few days ago...and the best thing is he's still the same as i used to know him >.< he still has the same look *hey of course, did i expect him to have a plastic surgery??* huehehe but yeah...meeting him again was a blessing for me. God knows how i longed for that moment to come.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Life winding road

So far my life is such a roller coaster. When i thought everything would be run smooth, right on the schedule with no surprises on the way, well, i was wrong. My dream seems out of reach, ehm not really out of reach, but more to be able to touch a bit but unable to fully grasp it. I'm kinda sick of it, feeling the pressure ev'ry day, even a day slacking off feels weird. Now with the final day is drawing even nearer - ato isshuu kan (one more week!!) - I AM PANIC!!!

Maybe on a second chance sure i can pass the test, but....i really do want to nail it on the first go. Crossing finger....a lot of pray....

ps: ma, pa, miss u...


When you set out on your journey to Ithaca,
pray that the road is long,
full of adventure, full of knowledge.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the angry Poseidon - do not fear them:
You will never find such as these on your path
if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine
emotion touches your spirit and your body.
The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops,
the fierce Poseidon you will never encounter,
if you do not carry them within your soul,
if your heart does not set them up before you.

Pray that the road is long.
That the summer mornings are many, when,
with such pleasure, with such joy
you will enter ports seen for the first time;
stop at Phoenician markets,
and purchase fine merchandise,
mother-of-pearl and coral, amber and ebony,
and sensual perfumes of all kinds,
as many sensual perfumes as you can;
visit many Egyptian cities,
to learn and learn from scholars.

Always keep Ithaca in your mind.
To arrive there is your ultimate goal.
But do not hurry the voyage at all.
It is better to let it last for many years;
and to anchor at the island when you are old,
rich with all you have gained on the way,
not expecting that Ithaca will offer you riches.
Ithaca has given you the beautiful voyage.
Without her you would never have set out on the road.
She has nothing more to give you.

And if you find her poor, Ithaca has not deceived you.
Wise as you have become, with so much experience,
you must already have understood what Ithacas mean.

Constantine Cavafy

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Taon baru yg ga jelas T.T

haaah ini post pertama (and maybe the last?) pake my mother tongue hehe okay, let's begin:
hmm...taon baru, pertama kalinya felt so miserable, really, not because i didn't like facing this year or what, cuman yah gitu, gara2nya......taon baru sendirian doank di kost, gileee!!! beneran, pertama kalinya in my whole life (and i pray to God, moga2 jadi yg terakhir kalinya) gw sendirian di malem taon baru. Biasanya kan pergi ke gereja, niup trompet, denger bunyi trompet, ngitung countdown bareng2 ma mama, papa, evan, mbak siti, popo di gereja trus abis tu pergi ke pantai ma temen2, minum2 bareng, seru aja, naaaaaaaaaah taon baru kali ini, buset daaaa amit2 pokoknya, sendirian gitu di kost, trus mending ngapain gitu kan, nah gue...belajar bahasa jepang, ngapalin kanji, miserable ga tuh? yaah denger bunyi trompet di tv bukannya seneng malah ngerasa sedih ga keruan, cobaaa ga pul jkt cepet2 kan bisa jalanin ritual taon baru ma beloved family together ya gaak?? tapi ya uda sih, gantinya bisa jalan2 ma tmn2 jg, tp sebelom taon baru itu mah, tgl 29 klo ga salah, ke resto nya anaknya sensei, makanannya enak2 lhoo, trus abis ke semanggi langsung ke rumah sensei, ngobrol2 ampe malem. naah tgl 2 nya jg diundang pesta taon baruan jg, di rumah temennya sensei. eeeeh hari ini yaa tgl 2 hoho iya gitu deee seneng hari ini, soalnya bisa ketemu japanese people selain para sensei hehehe mreka smua pada ramah2 (hmmmm tatemae kana ano hitotachi wa???) trus ada satu anaknya temennya sensei yg gaul abis hehehe seru aja gt ngomong ma dia. Tapi pas pertama masuk ke rumah tmnnya sensei, ngerasa kyk intruder, abis bayangin aja, smuanya org jepang naaah ini tau2 ber-13 org indo dateng, hiks uda pengen pulang aja tuh td. oyaaa smua makanan jepang khusus buat taon baru, ada sake pula..oishiiiiii...demo, sukoshi dake sake o nonda kara, zannen da. motto motto nomitai naa.. ^^

apalagi yaa, oye...kemaren2 juga sempet nonton the curse of the golden flower ma evan, gileeeee itu jay bisa lebih cakep lageee??? hohoho puas daku ^^ hhhh pengen nonton lagiii...harus beli dvdnya!!! --->> resolusi taon baru hihi

skrng pas nulis blog jd inget lenny, hihi abisnya lenny = blog seeh, tuh anak emang niat klo nulis blog, panjang2. hmm dari dulu pas dia uda wisuda mo photo2 bareng ga sempet2, waktunya ga match terus seeh, trus dia jg ngutang traktir pula, klo itu gw ga lupa hohoho yaaa mudah2an dee bisa ketemuan dalam tempo yg sesingkat2nya ^^

bsk mulai training lagi, tp yg kepikiran sih bukan bhs jepangnya tp komputernya, tuh project mo diapain yaaah hehe emang sih cuman tinggal 2 minggu lagi and no more IT training, BUT...tu project kan mesti dikelarin. naaaaah mo browsing tentang http itu malesnya ampe ke ubun2, bawaannya pengen buka webpagenya kanji lah ato fs lah pokoknya jauh dr http streaming hiks piye doonk?? tp...what friends are for??? huehehehe...

ja ne...