The sky is beautiful today, in a summery beautiful kind of way. We are driving along my most favorite road to the hotel in Kuta now. The road is lined with chest-height statues, varieties of tropical trees in display for sale on the left side, palm trees on the other. Some new fancy cafes are occasionally seen. Wow, here are all my competitors *sigh*. Oh well.
I didn't pay attention at first. As usual when I'm in a car, I either stare blankly at the road or read book. This time, it's the later. I was so into reading my new-bought novel, Twilight. The book is good anyway, and I happened to look up and instantly at awe. The color is superb. The whitest of white from the cloud and the clear sky-blue from the sky. Perfect. The line separating the clouds and the sky is clearly defined, not blurred like any other days in Bali since I came back. Mesmerized by it, I'm looking out the window, absorbing every essence of Bali. The sun, statues, small river, temples... I like the sky the most when it is viewed through branches and leaves, when the top of palm trees dominating the lower part of my view or, *this is the best part* when it's framed by Balinese temple. 最高~
The sunlight's blinding my eyes a bit. It's only a little past midnoon after all.
Bye 2017
6 years ago