See I've been tutoring a 12-year-old boy named Michael for about 2 months now. He's half japanese half american. The thing with Mikey is, he's so unpredictable you just cannot let your guard down. Da first time I met him, he was being all nice and sweet. A sheepish kind of attitude. And I thought, "well, looks like I'm not gonna have a hard time with him. Let's see how our first lesson will be." And finally the first lesson itself. It was pretty much as I thought it was going to be, given the first impression of a really nice boy, he was easy to teach despite the lack of concentration...
Okay so now the second lesson. I started to change my mind a bit, the third lesson... I was like, "Jesus, please I beg You, if someday I have a son, don't let him be like Mikey." So not cute *I mean the attitude*. Well, he often drives me crazy but he knows for sure how to lift up my mood haha that lil jerk. If he senses something wrong with the way I talk, he is quick to ask for a short break and do a "21" game hahaha I do loovee~ that game. A math game by the way. So, in the end, even though he often shows some attitude and I get so stressed out in teaching him, I cannot really dislike him. The frenzy's going on for sure, but amidst all that, there's always one little moment that keeps my sanity intact hihi...
Having been through all lessons marked with little stress, there's no wonder I found the last session two days ago somewhat extraordinary. He asked me to watch him practicing for the exhibition night this Friday *wait... is it today??* He's been doing the research about chemicals for the past two weeks and I helped him on the power point. So yesterday he said, "eva, you don't have to do anything today, just sit and watch me!" I was like yeah, ookaayy... ^^. To be honest, I was touched when he asked me that. He said he waited for me to practice together *ooh Mikey~~* that alone was enough to brighten the rest of that day.
Then he did the presentation *soo damn cute hihi* if I were the teacher, I would gladly give him a perfect score just for being cute *giggle* He made me laugh and during the break he taught me weird dancing hoh so much fun!! He said as many as 100 people will come to the exhibition *wish him good luck*
The fact that he waited for me to do the presentation made me happy, but every now and then when I think of his mom, it is so heartbreaking. A couple of weeks ago, he showed me a jumbo deck he got as a reward for earning most points at school. It was obvious that I was the first person to be told the news. I mean, hey it wasn't like she wasn't at home before I got there. He told me right away the moment he saw me, but why didn't he tell her first?
He kept babbling 'bout it, looked real proud. So imagine if you were his mom and not being the first to know, that your son wasn't willing to eagerly tell you what happened at school... What exactly would you feel? A certain heartbreak if it is for me. So who is to be blamed? Mother or son? Oh but of course it is easy to be an observer. About the real hardship in having kids? Well... no idea. I just hope, when the time comes, I'm able to do it right.