Friday, April 03, 2009

New Art Teacher

::11 February 2009::

I have new art teacher . He mainly does oil painting, surrealism style. Wanna know what he looks like? You know Kaka Slank? Yep!! He resembles Kaka a lot! The first time I met him, I had this feeling I saw him somewhere before ... then that evening I happened to watch a trailer of Slank's new movie (Generasi Biru) and I was like... "Whoo that's my teacher there!!" huahahaha

Oh but thank goodness he's done impressionism painting years ago. Surrealism always kinda creepy to me. I guess I made a weird face when he mentioned Surrealism that he said to me, "There's no such thing as a bad or ugly art. It's only a matter of liking or not liking the art object". Whew~ I can't agree more

But overall, I like this new teacher. He's a real artist, so passionate in art and has an art gallery near Discovery Mall Kuta. He's so much fun to be with. And you should see him holding the brush, eyes fixed on the canvas. Ughh it's the same when you see your fave athlete doing his/her things. It comes so naturally. Hope I can learn much from him.


AdeLheid said...

Surrealism....??*ga ngerti huhuhu*
Va, gurunya gimbal ga rambutnya hehehe...
Request : Sering2x tulis ttg Bali, mumpung lagi di sana, sekalian promosi...^^

eve said...

huahahaha rambutnya panjang dikuncir... ^^ iyo uda stock tinggal diposting ja hehe doh puanas banget disini nge T.T