Finally it's Friday again! this week passed by pretty fast. Soale many events took place this week, biasa lah klo banyak yg di expect pasti hari-hari jadi kerasa cepet hehe. Hum Rabu Dec 09 kemaren pergi ke Art House buat nonton Classic Piano and Violin Concert. Eventnya diadain ma Italian Embassy, so you can guess who performed.. none other than Italian pianist and violinist sisters. Yg dateng jg almost 90% Italian. We arrived there a bit early, they were still serving cocktail and wine. That was my first visit to Art House, dalemnya keren euy, kecil sih tp architecturenya gaya colonial tempo doeloe gitu. Mulai concertnya jam 7, trus kelar jam 9an. Pieces yg dibawain jg enak-enak, ga gitu berat ditelinga. Yg senengnya itu, mrk bawain piece by Brahms buat encore nya. Overall it was a great concert. Oya sebelum pulang mampir ke mall deket City Hall situ, nemu toko scrapbook... lucu2 d, jadi pengen nyoba scrapbook, but knowing me, it probably won't last a month. Jadi kemaren uda nahan2 buat ga beli scrapbook kit nya... oh what an effort.
That was Wednesday. What happened on Thursday? I didn't expect much on that day, and to be honest I was a bit irritated over work after lunch. So I expected it would be like any other long Thursdays, coz every Thursday is scheduled for our team's weekly technical meeting... and it was! No canceled meeting whatsoever. Tp yang kagetnya itu pas mau mulai meeting, boss gw tiba-tiba bagi2 kado *oh what a surprise*. What touched me most is not the gift itself. Pertama kalinya gw ngerasain kerja ditempat dimana you can work professionally and they expect you to perform at your best but at the same time, amidst all the hassle of everyday fast and stressful working environment, you can feel that you're still "human", still sane. And they make you feel that. Jadi kerasa kayak long-time friends. Oya, trus ceritanya gw dikasi kado tas, haha yg lucunya mrk spent quite some time katanya cari kado buat gw, berhubung yg cewek cuman gw sendiri di team ^^ So, I really appreciate it guys...
As for tonight's plan, hum ke Dhoby Ghout, mau dinner bareng cell group ^^
Bye 2017
6 years ago
evaaaa ~~~ ditunggu kedatangannya bulan 2.. ^^ heheheheh...
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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