Okay..a year has gone by, my thesis is done ~fiuuh~ after 5 months of nightmare, misery, and bloodshed. Really, i hate those days, i couldn't sleep well without first thinking about my thesis...the worst bedtime story ever!!! yuck!! but, it's over now...and the misery is replaced with another misery. I'm so sick of waiting for thesis schedule. We handed the soft covers in at 23 jan, and until now, i haven't heard of the schedule yet while my friends one by one has already got their title, geez...i envy them. Well...it's not like i'll get the title for sure, but i'm so panic that at the end, i'm the only one left behind (have to start over at next semester). ouh nooo...i can't even think about it.
Umm but...my other problem has been solved just recently...out of nowhere!!! just pure luck. Thank God, i believe He laid His hand on my problem ~grin~ have u ever heard this phrase: just listen to your inner heart. I didn't exactly follow that, although i'm perfectly agree with that phrase. Well, you don't blame me, if the matter is about love...~grin...again~ yep, at first, i ignored those little stones i felt about him, some things that didn't fit me but i forced to put them aside and prefer to be in love. Just a few minutes ago, i finally realized it...that he is actually mr. maybe, not the right one for me. Yeah it hit me hard at first, but in a split second i realized i was such a lucky girl. I am. Being able to know the truth before hand is lucky...and a miracle in my part. So...follow the golden rule, no matter what, just listen to your inner heart and you'll be okay.
::unhappy yet grateful mode on::
Bye 2017
7 years ago