Friday, November 14, 2008

Feeling guilty

ohmigod, I.Can't.Stand.Him!! There's a Korean guy here sitting next to me who keeps moving it's driving me nuts. He seems to keep flailing his arms in every direction while talking *in his countrymen signature loud voice*. This behaviour, my friends, indeed looked cute to me for a solid one week. But, it goes unbelievably annoying if you have to endure this man every single day. For what I think would be a peaceful moment when he doesn't talk, he writes with SUCH intense the whole desk shaking and dramatically throws and scatters papers everywhere. Ow and he doesn't forget to make LOUD sigh *the kind of sigh only Korean can make, I assure you* every 5 minutes literally!! Oohhh how I wish I could yell at him to stop.

He's funny, granted, but other than that, I seem to get more irritated every passing hour and today I just couldn't help it anymore. Believe me, I TRIED to maintain my composure and act nicely in front of him *oh what a hard work* but certainly something wrong with me today that I simply couldn't take it. Um maybe my emotion was written clearly enough on my face that few minutes ago he finally asked me if I happened to be not in a good mood today. Oh and I felt guilty all of a sudden *sigh*


AdeLheid said...


gw bisa membayangkan^^

eve said...

hihi kesian tp akhirnya nge, batal kesel bener2 wkwkwkw